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Evg. Kelechi John


Romans 8:32:

He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?


Kelechi John Nlemadim is an Evangelist with a passion for preaching of the gospel in a way that glorifies Christ and brings people to the knowledge of the truth. A man anointed by God for analytical and expositional teaching of the word of God. He is much loved by his audience for his practical, simple, humorous, highly illustrative, and life-applicable teaching of the gospel. He started his teaching ministry at the age of 16 as a Bible class teacher in his local church in Imo State, Nigeria. He has lived in Dubai, UAE as a businessman where he served as a Bible class teacher in his church.


He believes that our heavenly Father has given us His best in His Son, Jesus Christ, and therefore cannot give us any form of evil. Therefore, we are to expect only GOOD from him, however, any ugly situation we face does not come from Him.

After Kelechi John’s understanding that ignorance is the reason why believers are cut off from the good that God has for them, he started sharing the gospel of truth. He wants people to be free from the bondage of ignorance so they can become what God wants them to be for God’s glory.

He is the President and Coordinator of Grace and Goodness of God Evangelical Ministry in the USA, an international non-profit organization that focuses on unveiling the grace, love, and goodness of God, and leading people to Jesus as the Truth that sets the captives free.

He is blessed with his lovely wife, Juanita, who is a wonderful support to his ministry and they have precious children.

He is the author of Expect Only Good From God, a priceless book that has helped and is helping people know more about God’s nature of love, how to overcome ugly situations, how to be free from self-condemnation, and more.


It is well with you!


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